Anthem: EA and Bioware's rare chance for Redemption

The Story so far

Credit to AnthemGame for the video on YouTube. 

I rarely ever discuss games that will make or break studios, however, I did want to discuss one that many of my friends are on board the topic as well. This is talking about the game that EA and Bioware have been hyping up for so long and that is the game Anthem. What is Anthem? well, if you look at just what the game has shown from various trailers, one could say that it is a knock-off of Destiny with a mix of Division in there as well. When I look at the game, I say otherwise as there are so many different levels of how combat works and how beautiful the game seems so far. The point that I am trying to get out there right now is to find out if this is a game that you look at and say "is it worth my time?" as this is something that I have been asking myself as well. January has certainly been an interesting month as two games that everyone has been asking for (This being Kingdom Hearts 3 and Resident Evil 2 Remake) release at the end of this month and Anthem follows soon after around Feb. 22 of this year but this may get delayed. EA has not been in good standings as of late from the most recent announcement of canceling their STAR WARS open-world game to those pesky Loot boxes and advancements in other titles. It is hard to back a company like this when they are notorious for setting up little shortcuts in their games that you pay more money just to get ahead or pay-to-win. We can not leave out Bioware as well since Mass Effect Andromeda was considered a huge flop as well with its questionable cut-scenes and a very awkward storyline that made me just feel empty after playing. When you add all this up, it just feels like a set-up for failure but who knows, maybe this time the two companies took their time and listened to the fans feedback and fixed the issues. Overall, I do want to know what everyone else thinks about the subject and if you manage to make it this far from my ranting on about this game, tell me your thoughts cause I want to hear them and I want to do a Community Feedback with your comments and a discussion with you as well. Feel free to share this with your friends and other gamers and tell me what they think as well and as always, happy gaming.


  1. A good summary if evens there there

    Loot boxes are a pluage on the industry & the whole paying to win is the biggest money making racket going

    It certainly looks ambitious from gameplay footage, but there's tell tale signs that it could be a let down & ultimately dissapoint people


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