Will State of Decay 2 be good?

 The Undead Labs Development team always seem to amaze myself with new creations that they release for their games. If you are new to this company or have not heard them before, I will give you the heads-up. These are the creators of an amazing zombie apocalyptic game known as State of Decay. It is one of very few zombie games that I have played that I will say is very enjoyable and allows players to experience a new zombie experience. The team did absolutely well in their State of Decay game (Sold over 2 million copies) that they left their fans wanting more. State of Decay provided all the necessary elements in a zombie game however, it was lacking one thing and that was Multiplayer. This game has everything perfect and it was just missing Multiplayer which State of Decay 2 will provide.

 From what we have found, The new State of Decay will have a Drop in/Drop out Multiplayer system. This means that you can join your friends world at any time, kill some zeds, gather materials, and leave to your home base at any given time. This is a pretty awesome system to have in State of Decay 2 as it allows players to gather required materials that may be difficult to find in your world. It is not to say that it has consequences of course as the Lead Developer stated that you can join in your friends and assist but if your character dies in his world, that is it. There is no restarts or game over screens as it is to simulate a real zombie apocalypse theme. Now this does not mean you can no longer join in your friends lobby, all you will do is choose a new character to play and rejoin your friend. It will be very interesting to see what else the game offers when it releases late May.

There will be some unique zombies from before that was in the previous game as well. As seen on the left, we can see the Screamer zombie in the background making a comeback into the game. There are others special zombies that make a return as well such as the Juggernaut and the Feral zombies which certainly will make the game difficult. These challenges that the game offers will make the game even more worthwhile and give the remembrance of struggling for your dear life. Now, if you were not aware the Xbox Game Pass does allow you to play and install the game if you have the subscription service.

The idea of Game Pass is amazing in itself and for a low cost, it surely will drive players to buy the game pass. It offers the chance for small or big development companies to reach out to a larger audience and grow from what feedback they receive from gamers. The team at Undead Labs state that they are not hurting from using Game Pass as it allows players to decide if they would like to purchase and support the team. Game Pass may allow you to play the game with its subscription however, it does not mean you get the DLC's which Undead Labs was stating that they do not want to be a "Micro-transaction company" but to be seen as a great company that delivers great DLC's. It is obvious to myself that this company really cares for its fans and wants to build a great relationship with their fans. Overall, State of Decay 2 will be the greatest thing to come to Xbox and I can not wait until it releases.




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