State of Decay 2: Should you buy it?

State of Decay 2 just recently released for early access for people who purchased the Ultimate Edition. There are several things to go over before I review what is good about the game and what changes need to be made to the game itself. Now, bear in mind that game right now has not "Fully Released" and still needs some tweaks done but overall, the game plays fairly well. There are some similarities with the first State of Decay however, it is very little in terms of gameplay. Without further ado, I will list out what is available for State of Decay.

As stated previously, the game has not fully released and it is a good thing as there are several bugs that are noticeable in the game but they do not affect the game too much. One bug that has occurred in my gameplay is driving my vehicle around the main parts of Tamfields and it glitched into the house itself. My character was totally fine ("Thank goodness") however, my car was stuck for a good 10 minutes until I able to free it by smashing another into it. Another bug that has happened (Thankfully not to me) is losing all your supplies from home base when you visit the Xbox Dashboard and go "AFK" for too long. The last bug that I experienced and almost made a very angry phone call to Microsoft was the game not loading up after the title screen. What would occur is that from the main screen, the game would allow you to start a new community but stay stuck on a black screen and the solution was redownloading the entire game (Bummer). From the few hiccups that the game has, it is still rather playable and most likely they will be fixed in the future. Now, we have the good news that make this game freaking awesome.

The game that everyone has been waiting for is now available to play via Game pass and it is awesome. From the 4-player multiplayer helps in a bunch of situations and if used correctly can help you in a large amount of ways from clearing infestations and even doing plague hearts. I will go over some exploits as well in my next blog where I discuss tips and moving communities. If you are one who dislikes occasional bugs then this is one I would steer away from as the game does have bugs that need to be addressed but honestly it can make the game more enjoyable. On my rating scale, I would say that this game is a solid 7.5/10 mainly because of the bugs occurring in single-player and multiplayer.


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