Features that we would like to see on Consoles.

Consoles have always found a way for users to enjoy their entertainment systems using apps or features that are pre-built/updated and that is what will be discussed. The main things that will be discussed is adding features in or changing them completely to make them more enjoyable and there are three systems that I will discuss so let us break it down. While you may be reading, please consider commenting down below what features you would like to see on your devices as well.

To begin with Console #1, it will be the Nintendo Switch and I will bold out the main things that I would like to see come in the future. The first would be more applications such as Netflix and YouTube as these two platforms are used the most and being a portable console would be an awesome feature as well. By adding two simple applications, it may bring in more audience to the device as watching content is in our nature. Second, I would love to see classic games back and bring forth games from the Wii U to the Switch. Let us be honest that Nintendo has had a lack of games lately and by adding this feature would make everything easier for the platform. It is true that you can not stick a disc in a cartridge device but it is the digitally age already so we can do Nintendo Store. Lastly, I would say to add in accessories for the Joy-Con controllers and I do not mean changing it. The one thing that I will say is to add more to the controller because a bland controller is a boring controller. By adding features like Decals or custom controller Joy-Cons will definitely bring in a market towards Nintendo. All this being said are some features that I believe Nintendo is currently lacking, there is probably more which I will leave it to the comments section down below.

On to Console #2 which is the PlayStation 4 and there are some features that I would like in there as well. One of these features involve adding a community board or social area for PlayStation by PlayStation. It would nice to have somewhere to show personal trophies achieved or that amazing killcam that you want to boast about. The second one is obvious to everyone right now as Xbox is having a fantastic market for it and that is adding more Backward Compatible games or allowing the system to read the discs. By adding in this feature, it most definitely will bring in a good market for PlayStation as there are some classics that gamers would like to relive. Lastly, I would say to add a Gaming Tournament feature to compete with other players online. These simple features would make the PlayStation a bit more outstanding than it already is.

 To the final Console we have the Xbox One and there is a few additions I would personally say to add in. First off, I would say to add in Volume Sliders for headphone/Surround. It is quite a disappointment that Xbox One does not have this feature available as it hinders the sounds of your game/party. It would be much better to have two or three slider volumes for optimization that can adjust game sound and party sound. Next off, The Xbox absolutely needs more Exclusives because lately they have been hurting. We were promised multiple exclusives however, it failed in the long run and Scalebound was one that would amaze everyone but got cancelled. It is extremely upsetting that there is a lack of exclusives that Xbox has to offer and PlayStation has a variety available to their platform. Last, I would say to add one key feature back which is the Snap-on option and here is my reasoning. To begin, it was originally taken off as Microsoft stated that it was hurting their performance on the system and made the UI slower. What made this feature great was utilizing the streaming apps and having a chat section on the right of the screen and a full size screen for gaming. Overall, these are the key things that I would say Xbox needs to add in to make it even more successful in their services.

 There are several things that were discussed but not all were discussed in the article. If you have anything that you believe should be added come talk about it in the comments sections and we can chat all day as well. We love hearing what our viewers have to say and would love to reflect more as well.






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