Console wars Xbox X vs. PS4 Pro

 The Gaming Rant of Consoles

 Today on the Gaming Rant, we will be addressing the long rivalry of two popular companies and their systems. These are known to almost every gamer out there and that is Microsoft and Sony. The two consoles that we will talk of is the most powerful consoles which are Xbox One X and the PS4 Pro. In writing this article, it will most definitely fuel the flames of every fanboy/girl which is what I truly aim for. Now that it has been addressed of the two consoles, let us go over the pro's and con's of each console and price ranges.

 Xbox One X: "The Most Powerful Console"

 For the longest time, Xbox One was lacking behind on their systems because they lacked a few things when they had launched. There was a lack of exclusives for games and the one thing that hurt the system was internal hardware. For the hardware in a normal Xbox one lacked HDD graphics and 4K capability and now that tide has turned. When Microsoft announced the "Project Scorpio" at E3 2016, there was a wave of curiosity that came in. The crowd was wondering "What is this new project?" and what made it even better was the amount of Hype that came with this project. Now, when we talk specs, I will say this is the most powerful console out there at the moment and I will post both system specs in my list as well. The one downside with the Xbox One X at the moment is the price as it clocks in at a total of $499.99. In conclusion, I do believe that Xbox one X has a very powerful console however will need to deliver in games to come and Exclusivity.


  1. 4K True Gaming

  2. Upgraded Hardware & Performance

  3. HDD Streaming and Cross-Play

  4. Very slim and light-weight


  1.  Price is very high

  2. Lack of Exclusive games

  3. Lack of Bundles for console

  4. Requires 4K TV for upgraded Graphics

PlayStation 4 Pro: The most innovative console

When this console was announced, there was a huge amount of hype and relief that PlayStation will be joining in the 4K community, it had incredible results. There is one thing that does set back PlayStation's 4K graphics and it is the fact that it is not true 4K graphics. The term is called Upscaling where it renders the graphics close to imitate 4K resolution. It is a bit of a letdown when fans found out however, it really does not affect the graphics at all as it seems like native 4K. There are a wide variety of Exclusive content/games available on PlayStation as well that makes it fantastic to own the console and is one thing that Xbox does lack. The main thing that is enjoyable for the console is the new PlayStation VR and let me say that this about the device. It is the most amazing thing that has ever came to consoles ever and it is the first to do so. The VR headset is purchased separately from the console and you can play some really great games like Until Dawn and Skyrim. There is no limitations to PlayStation VR and if Xbox does come out with VR as well then it will be interesting to see. There will be a post down below of the Pro's and Con's as well as their specs of the system.



  1. Price of PS4 Pro is $399.99

  2. Abundance of Exclusive titles

  3. Only console to have VR

  4. Multiple ways to bundle for system



  1. Not True 4K graphics

  2. Has Less Power than the Xbox One X

  3. Requires 4KTV to be able to harness 4K graphics (obvious for both systems)

It is truly amazing how advanced gaming has gotten in the past years. Once upon a time we would head to arcades to play and now we have evolved from this and own home consoles. There is no doubt in my mind that VR will be the next step or Full-drive technology. If you are wondering what Full-Dive is, be sure to Follow and Subscribe as I will talk of this in the next post and thank you for reading this post.


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